Livin' With
The Jones

To the right, you'll see Nancy and Sam Jones. Trying to guess the context of this picture is very amusing.

Sam and Nancy were incredibly loving and kind. They let some weird kid from Seattle they had never met stay in their house. They even fed me!

Here's Sam Jones! He's named after his dad if you didn't catch that. This is the normalist picture of Sam I took.

Here's me, Jessica, Sam, and Erin.

Jessica is Sam's sister. She likes to play Sonic The Hedgehog.

Erin was a friend of the Jones' visiting from Delaware. She's a friend of mine as well now.

Every night, I'd use my camera to kill the batteries so I could start recharging them, so they'd be full of life in the morning.

We took a lot of over-exposer shots. The shutter was open for 10 to 16 seconds for these pictures.

They're pretty interesting.

Sam looks like an angel in this one. He blocked the Christmas lights with his body for half the time and then ducked, so the rest of the area around him is blasted white.

I like this one a lot. Sam was clever.

It looks like he's a guy playing it cool, but inside he's frustrated.

I'm just a goof ball.

Sam knows how to rock.

Sam and I made a short video clip one evening.

Fun with shaving cream.

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