Look at that seagull. |
To think I was at the beach with only one seagull would be unreasonable. Here are some friends that were there with me. |
These were some kids I didn't know, but I took this picture because it was pleasant. An excellent frame of time. |
I drew a colossal face in the sand. |
I also drew a cassette tape. |
We were bored, so we got remarkable. |
A homeless man named Donnie approached us all. He was gentle and spoke to us about his life. He wasn't sad and neither was his situation. All the while he was talking, he was making something with his hands out of what looked like palm tree leaves. |
It was a beautiful cross with a rose tied to it. He gave it to us. |
The sunset was magnificent. Lori stands in awe and a seagull flies in the distance. |
I love this silhouette. The clouds branch out. |
Furnace in the sky. |
This one reminds me of outer space. |
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